All Batches
Fetches all distinct batch entries with their latest information.
curl --request GET \
--url https://api.blockflow.network/rest/eigenda/all-batches
"data": [
"batchId": "<string>",
"batchHeaderHash": "<string>",
"blobsLength": 123,
"quorumNumbers": [
"blobHeadersRoot": "<string>",
"referenceBlockNumber": 123,
"signedStakeForQuorums": [
"quorumNumber": "<string>",
"stakeAmount": 123
"transactionHash": "<string>",
"blockTimestamp": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"blockNumber": 123,
"operators": [
"nonSigners": 123,
"signers": 123
"quorumStakes": [
"quorumNumber": "<string>",
"stakeAmount": 123
"meta": {
"total": 123,
"page": 123,
"limit": 123,
"lastUpdateTimestamp": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"latestBlock": 123,
"statistics": {
"totalDistinctBatches": 123,
"batchesWithNonSigners": 123,
"batchesWithNonSignersPercentage": 123,
"batchesWithSigners": 123,
"batchesWithSignersPercentage": 123
Query Parameters
Select the network you want to track.
, holesky
The page number for pagination (default is 1).
The number of items per page (default is 12).
The unique identifier for the batch.
The hash of the batch header.
The length of the blobs in the batch.
List of quorum numbers.
The quorum numbers associated with the batch.
The root of the blob headers.
The reference block number.
The transaction hash associated with the batch.
The timestamp of the block.
The block number for the batch.
Total number of distinct batches.
The current page number.
The number of items per page.
The timestamp of the latest update.
The latest block number.
Total number of distinct batches.
Number of batches with non-signers.
Percentage of batches with non-signers.
Number of batches with signers.
Percentage of batches with signers.
curl --request GET \
--url https://api.blockflow.network/rest/eigenda/all-batches
"data": [
"batchId": "<string>",
"batchHeaderHash": "<string>",
"blobsLength": 123,
"quorumNumbers": [
"blobHeadersRoot": "<string>",
"referenceBlockNumber": 123,
"signedStakeForQuorums": [
"quorumNumber": "<string>",
"stakeAmount": 123
"transactionHash": "<string>",
"blockTimestamp": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"blockNumber": 123,
"operators": [
"nonSigners": 123,
"signers": 123
"quorumStakes": [
"quorumNumber": "<string>",
"stakeAmount": 123
"meta": {
"total": 123,
"page": 123,
"limit": 123,
"lastUpdateTimestamp": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"latestBlock": 123,
"statistics": {
"totalDistinctBatches": 123,
"batchesWithNonSigners": 123,
"batchesWithNonSignersPercentage": 123,
"batchesWithSigners": 123,
"batchesWithSignersPercentage": 123